Matteo Kamm

I’m a passionate software engineer with 3+ years of experience. My interests include: Software Security (Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation), Automated Software Testing, Programming Languages and Cloud Computing. Currently, I'm working at Namespace Labs where we accelerate the development workflow of fast-moving software engineering teams by delivering best-in-class compute and development-supporting services. I have graduated from ETH Zürich where I received the ETH medal for my thesis which was published at the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2023.
To contact me, prepend me@
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Papers / Theses / Semester Projects
- Testing Graph Database Engines via Query Partitioning
- Matteo Kamm, Manuel Rigger, Chengyu Zhang, Zhendong Su
- ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2023
- [PDF] [GitHub] [DOI] [Artifact]
- Finding Logic Bugs in Graph Stores via Label Partitioning
- Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
- Semester Project for Automated Software Testing, Advisor: Manuel Rigger
- [PDF]
- Efficient Parallelization of Borůvka’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
- Samuel Anzalone, Hulda L. Hannesdóttir, Šimon Hrabec, Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
- Semester Project for Design of Parallel and High Performance Computing, Advisor: Timo Schneider
- [PDF]
- Optimization of the Flow Algorithms Edmonds-Karp and Dinic
- Ellen Arlt, Šimon Hrabec, Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
- Semester Project for Advanced Systems Lab, Advisor: Eliza Wszola