Matteo Kamm


I’m a passionate software engineer with 3+ years of experience. My interests include: Software Security (Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation), Automated Software Testing, Programming Languages and Cloud Computing. Currently, my work focuses on the intersection of cloud technologies and security by bringing Airlock's Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the cloud. I have graduated from ETH Zürich where I received the ETH medal for my thesis which was published at the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2023.

To contact me, prepend me@ to this sites domain.

Papers / Theses / Semester Projects

  • Testing Graph Database Engines via Query Partitioning
  • Matteo Kamm, Manuel Rigger, Chengyu Zhang, Zhendong Su
  • ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2023
  • [PDF] [GitHub] [DOI] [Artifact]
  • Finding Logic Bugs in Graph Stores via Label Partitioning
  • Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
  • Semester Project for Automated Software Testing, Advisor: Manuel Rigger
  • [PDF]
  • Efficient Parallelization of Borůvka’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
  • Samuel Anzalone, Hulda L. Hannesdóttir, Šimon Hrabec, Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
  • Semester Project for Design of Parallel and High Performance Computing, Advisor: Timo Schneider
  • [PDF]
  • Optimization of the Flow Algorithms Edmonds-Karp and Dinic
  • Ellen Arlt, Šimon Hrabec, Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
  • Semester Project for Advanced Systems Lab, Advisor: Eliza Wszola
  • The Sequent Calculus Calculator
  • Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
  • Bachelor thesis, Advisor: Farhad Metha
  • [PDF] [Website]
  • JavaScript to WebAssembly Cross Compiler
  • Matteo Kamm, Mike Marti
  • Student Research Project, Advisor: Luc Bläser
  • [PDF] [GitHub]